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More than 30 12-inch chip fabs were added around the world, and the expansion of silicon wafer fabs started simultaneously

06/28/2022 12-inch chip factory, silicon wafer factory, semiconductor silicon wafer, semiconductor, chip factory,

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  On June 27, GlobalWafers announced that it will build a new 12-inch semiconductor wafer factory in Sherman, Texas.

  According to the disclosure of GlobalWafers, the total investment of the 12-inch silicon wafer factory is expected to reach 5 billion US dollars, with an initial investment of 2 billion US dollars. The new factory will be constructed in stages according to the customer's long-term contract requirements, and equipment will be stationed in succession. After all projects are completed , the maximum production capacity can reach 1.2 million pieces per month, and the production capacity will be opened in 2025.

  At present, the global semiconductor wafer market is highly concentrated, with leading wafer manufacturers monopolizing more than 90% of the global market share, mainly Asian companies such as Shin-Etsu, SUMCO, GlobalWafers, Siltronic, and SK Siltron, and the US semiconductor industry is highly dependent on Imported semiconductor wafers.

  In recent years, international manufacturers such as TSMC, GF, Intel, Samsung, and Texas Instruments have announced the expansion of production in the United States, and the demand for semiconductor silicon wafers in the United States has further increased. Now, with Universal Wafer's 12-inch silicon wafer factory located in the United States, it will further fill the key gap in the semiconductor supply chain.

  Wafer foundry capacity has increased significantly, and domestic manufacturers in China have launched a wave of 12-inch silicon wafer production expansion

  SEMI predicts that from 2020 to 2024, there will be more than 30 new 300mm chip manufacturing plants in the world, of which 11 will be added in Taiwan, China, and 8 will be added in mainland China. The proportion of 300mm chip manufacturing capacity in mainland China in the world will be From 8% in 2015 to 20% in 2024.

  At the same time, thanks to the large-scale application of technologies such as 5G communication, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data, the demand for chips for terminal products such as smartphones, portable devices, Internet of Things products, cloud infrastructure, and automotive electronics With the rapid growth, the demand for semiconductor silicon wafers has also continued to increase. In fact, in addition to the United States, the demand for semiconductor silicon wafers in mainland China is also heavily dependent on imports.

  In response to the goal of localization of semiconductors, domestic silicon wafer manufacturers have successively launched production expansion models. Taking 12-inch silicon wafers as an example, at present, the companies with 12-inch silicon wafer production lines in mainland China mainly include Shanghai Silicon Industry, Zhonghuan Co., Ltd. and Leon Micro.

  According to the latest disclosure of Shanghai Silicon Industry, its fundraising project "300mm high-end silicon wafer R&D and advanced manufacturing project for integrated circuit manufacturing" is implemented with its subsidiary Shanghai Xinsheng. Increase production capacity by 300,000 pieces/month;

  According to the annual report of Zhonghuan Co., Ltd., by the end of 2021, it has formed a 12-inch capacity of 170,000 pieces/month, and plans to build a production capacity target of 600,000 pieces/month by the end of 2023;

  According to Leon Micro's annual report, its Quzhou base has reached a monthly production capacity of 150,000 wafers by the end of 2021, and a monthly production capacity of 100,000 wafers is under construction.

  Undoubtedly, under the background that the global 300mm chip manufacturing enterprises are put into production and the proportion of domestic production capacity is gradually increasing, domestic semiconductor silicon wafer manufacturing enterprises will usher in a good market opportunity.

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